cyberfcked > information

welcome to chromophobia project.
if you are here for an ABOUT ME keep scrolling, fledgling!

the chromophobia project is a multi-staged, multimedia personal passion project with the intricate goal of depicting different views on our society and past. It has been in the planning stage since 2018 and is foreseen to include multiple video games of varied genres along with many animated originals and extensive community involvement. Side projects with smaller connection to base world and characters are involved in planning as well.

disclaimer: all characters and events will be based on personal experiences but will not be depicted realistically. =]

no other information is prepped to release publicly.
my business email is [email protected] and you may otherwise contact me at cyberfcked#0695.

cyberfcked > the creator

welcome, outsider! i have many names, those close to me most often call me Renard. tis a pleasure to meet interests change rapidly, i am a very unsettled and unsatisfied human. it is because of this that i cannot enjoy things simply; my interests include art, poetry, general writing, coding, numerous video games, animation, sound production, cinematography, video editing, witchcraft, psychology, and probably some other things. =] though i am not exceptionally skilled at many it doesn't hurt to mention, does it?chromophobia project has been my reason for living for a while now. while i can't say it is the only reason, it has played an extreme part. and i as well cannot expect it to gain much traction, i can only hope that somebody out there stumbles upon it and falls deep into the rabbit hole that is fate. the things love could do to anybody.